Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Tilapia quesadilla

The other day I made 4 tilapia fillets in the oven. Half was made with butter, garlic powder, salt, and pepper. The other I made with EVOO, cumin, garlic powder, cayenne pepper, savory seasoning, salt, and pepper. Well, today I wanted it a little different. I chose to put it in a quesadilla. I added taco seasoned cheese, of course my Frank's, and on the outside some salt and garlic powder. turned out quite tasty if i do say so myself.


  1. yum, looks and sounds delicious. I wonder how it would taste with Walleye cooked on a campfire...come on up and we will give it a go!

  2. I will be up in July with the rents...if dave can make it we might head up earlier and maybe stop by to say hi. 9-12th at I think white face...or west two. But that sounds good. you bring the fish I will bring the franks lol ;)
